Why is Preventive Termite Reticulation System Globally The Most Preferred Method To Control Termites?
In most part of the world, housing and commercial construction is on the rise. During covid, there was a perception amongst many that the way of working has changed forever. Work from home will now be a preferred mode of work, and corporations may not need very large commercial offices as they did in pre-covid days. However, nothing of the sort happened. And the need for high-end commercial spaces is rising the same as before. Moreover, hospitality industry is growing rapidly, with state-of-the-art hotels, boutique hotels, home stays, restaurants, etc. Medical facilities are also increasing with better hospitals and facilities. Construction regulations in medical and hospitality industry are also getting more stringent, in terms of permissions and certifications for health and safety measures. On the other hand, residential properties are also getting more state of the art along with prohibitive increase in the cost of construction and interior designing. Given this, everyone reali...