TermiPore – Ready to Install Anti-termite Reticulation Kits


TermiPore – Ready to Install Anti-termite Reticulation Kits

Provided, To Simplify The Decision-making Process Of Our Customers


TermiPore Reticulation System is a highly preferred brand, for prevention of termites in all types of construction. TermiPore has earned this trust due to its high-quality reticulation pipes made of a special elastomeric compound, a strong culture of research & development, stringent quality control systems, and reliable customer service. We also get our products tested in laboratories. For details, click here: https://termipore.blogspot.com/2023/07/why-is-brand-termipore-considered-most.html


Customer feedback is highly important to us. Based on queries from potential customers, we realized that first time users are sometimes unsure about the size of the pipe to be used at their sites, or they want to use it on one site before installing at more places. They also confused about the accessories & quantity needed for installation, etc.


This prompted us to find an easy solution to help new users. To do that we developed:

“Ready-To-Install Anti-termite Reticulation Kits for Various Pipe Sizes”


The kits also include all the necessary accessories for installation, such as Junction Boxes, Feeder Pipes, Jointers, Elbows, Tees, Fixing Hooks, End Plugs, Cable Ties, Nails, 4-way Connectors, etc. All the kits have material needed for installation in an area of about 1000 sq ft.


Types of TermiPore Kits available online are:


ü  Termipore STARTER Full Kit: 14.5 mm tube

ü  Termipore BASIC Full Kit: 17.5 mm tube* - Most Popular

ü  Termipore PREMIUM Full Kit: 19.5 mm tube

ü  Termipore MINI Kits: for all the 3 sizes (14.5 mm, 17.5 mm & 19.5 mm)

   (*We recommend: TermiPore BASIC- Full Kit: 17.5 mm)

The difference between mini-kits and others is the number of accessories in each type of kit. Mini kits have lesser number of accessories.

To buy click here: www.buy.termipore.com

Specifications of the kits are as follows:

Inside and outside diameter

9.5 x 14.5 mm

12.5 x 17.5 mm

12.5 x 19.5 mm

Marking Line




Suitable for

Where there is low space between floor and tile

Suitable for all areas

Where high consistency of flow is required

Used by customers

For low budget projects

Most popular

Premium product


Low diameter pipe for medium flow rate over longer distance

Standard size with uniform flow rate good thickness for weight support

Higher thickness, more weight bearing capacity and more uniform flow along length of pipe

Micro Hole Density per mtr length

40 to 70

50 to 80

60 to 100

Flow per mtr per hour at pressure 0.25 Kg/ cm2

6 to 10 ltr

8 to 12 ltr

8 to 12 ltr

Length of Roll

125 mtr / 400 ft

125 mtr / 400 ft

125 mtr / 400 ft

However, please note a few very important points:

ü  Pesticide/Termiticide is not included in the kit.

ü  This is not a self-use/DIY/ consumer product. It needs expertise to install it.

ü  Product supply is only for convenience of getting the material.

ü  Please contact an experienced pest control service provider to install the system and to inject the termiticide. 


The specifications in terms of accessories in each kit are as below:

Termipore Kits


BASIC KIT 17.5mm


MINI KIT 14.5, 17.5 and 19.5mm

Termipore Roll Size

125 mtrs

125 mtrs

125 mtrs

125 mtrs

Inlet Pipe

10mtrs- 10 mm flexible

10mtrs- 1/2" flexible

10mtrs- 1/2" flexible

10mtrs- 10 mm flexible


12mm -25 nos

16mm – 25 nos

16mm - 25 nos

10 nos


12mm – 50 nos

16mm – 50 nos

16mm – 50 nos

10 nos


12mm – 50 nos

16mm – 50 nos

16mm -50 nos

10 nos

End Plug

20 nos

20 nos

20 nos


Plastic Fixing Hook

25 nos

25 nos

25 nos


Junction Box

6 nos

6 nos

6 nos

6 nos

Cable Tie

1 packet (100 nos)

1 packet (100 nos)

1 packet (100 nos)


3/4" Plastic Nail hook

100 nos

100 nos

100 nos


4 way Connector



16mm – 10 nos


Brass Nipple



16mm – 12 nos


Brand TermiPore is highly preferred because it is dependable, effective, affordable and a long-lasting system for anti-termite reticulation.

You can call or contact us at: +91 6359292525 / 8401017087 / marketing@termipore.com

Or visit our website: www.termipore.com


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